About Us
The Laudato Si’ Centre at Wardley Hall is the Diocese of Salford’s ambitious response to the international call by Pope Francis to people of all faiths in his letter ‘Laudato Si’ – Care for Our Common Home’.
We wanted to create a place of education and outreach mission that generates environmental hope in those that visit or access our resources.
The ‘Laudato Si’ Centre’ engages with people of all faiths and none. Since our inception in 2019, we have welcomed over 3,000 visitors including school groups, parishes, community groups, and individuals wanting to learn and change for the benefit of our common home.
We are currently using the land and woodland on the estate of Wardley Hall. The site gives us an opportunity to repurpose redundant space to help people to learn how they can take practical action to tackle climate change and work towards a sustainable world.
Our Mission
- To provide the tools and learning needed to enable all to hear and respond to the cry of the earth and cry of the people, provoking an ecological conversion.
- To provide the tools and learning needed to enable all to hear and respond in hope to the cry of the earth and cry of the people.
Our Aims and Values
- We will demonstrate ways of living that better care for our common home and all creation, that are practical, and can be replicated across parishes, homes, schools and communities.
- We will educate through a variety of experiences, including immersive experiences in the outdoors for school pupils and adults;, seminars and events for parishes, schools and communities; and activities relating to a variety of technologies and behaviours.
- We will provide a space to heal and flourish to support human and spiritual renewal.
Download our brochure
Our brand new brochure is out! Packed full of information on our beautiful spaces, engaging activities, and opportunities for parishes, schools, and community groups, this one-stop shop of information is all you need to find out more about our Centre.
Click here to download and find out more.
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