Laudato Si’ Awards – Nominations now open!

Calling all schools in the Diocese of Salford!

Do you have outstanding students at your school who have gone above and beyond for the Laudato Si’ message? Have your students exemplified how to care for our common home and look after the environment?

We are pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the Laudato Si’ Awards, a wonderful opportunity to shine the spotlight on their efforts.

“This award is an expression of our commitment as a centre, to encourage and support our communities in their efforts towards caring for the environment and I believe it is an exciting opportunity for our schools to showcase the extraordinary contribution of their students” says Emily Cahill, Laudato Si’ Centre Environment and Learning Officer.

“Don’t miss out on this chance to be recognised for your dedication to the Laudato Si’ message”, she urged.

Emily explained that winners will receive a certificate of recognition from Bishop John and then have a chance to explore our Laudato Si’ Centre, based in the grounds of Wardley Hall, in recognition of all that they have done.

“We invite you to take this chance to showcase the outstanding efforts and achievements of your students”, she added.

Nominations can be submitted for individual or group of students by completing the Application Form available for download via this link. Deadline for submission is 24th May.

Submit your nominations today and let us celebrate the remarkable youngsters who are shaping a brighter and more sustainable future for our common home.