Solar for GM Faiths

Solar for GM Faiths is a project to develop a framework to encourage and support the installation of solar panels on faith buildings throughout Greater Manchester.

It is based around the concept of a Community Benefit Society, which raises money from the local community in as gifts, loans or investments.

The electricity is then sold to the users of the building at a discount rate allowing for the repayment of loans or investments over several years. Everyone wins! The building users get cheap electricity, the original donors get their money back (if they want it) and we all do our bit to cut our carbon emissions.

If you’d like to know more then come along to our first workshop on Zoom on

Monday 21st November from 10:00-11:30am.
We’ll give more detail about what we are planning, there will be a presentation from a group who have already set up similar schemes, and you’ll get a chance to ask questions about how it might work for you.

There will be a follow up workshop in person on
Monday 12th December from 3:30-5:00pm.
This will be for those who really want to take things forward and will start looking at the opportunities, barriers and specific work needed to support a framework that will detail how we can do this together and support each other.

If you are interested, please join us. You might be a leader co-ordinating your faith’s response to the climate emergency, or with responsibility for the buildings, or you might be wanting to know how your local faith community can be more active stewards of this wonderful world. If you know someone else who might be interested, then please forward this information.

If you want to join, then please e-mail to be sent the Zoom link.

This process is being facilitated by the Catholic Diocese of Salford with a grant from Electricity North West