Caring for Creation and the environment is an integral part of our Christian faith. Our Laudato Si’ Centre, run by the Diocese of Salford, is a direct response to Pope Francis’ teachings – as well as Bishop John Arnold, who has challenged each and every parish in our diocese to take practical action to care for our common home.
Please explore this page to discover more about how our Centre can support your parish environment group.
Visit Us
Here at the centre, we’re delighted to host a wide range of activities to help parish groups learn more about this inherently Christian call and provide the teaching and inspiration to help you take that next step.
Please explore the drop down options below to discover more about the sessions we have on offer or click here to download our full brochure.
Our Parish Sessions
Take in the inspiring surroundings of our Walled Garden and Woodland area whilst find out a little more about the day-to-day steps we take to support nature and encourage ecological flourishing. Explore these in further detail with our skilled staff members, who can advise on the simple activities and actions you can do at your own parish to take up the call to action for caring for our common home.
Beginning a project is often the most difficult stage of any journey and it can be hard to know how best to start. If you are not sure how best to begin your parish or faith group, we can help you with creating an action plan. We can give practical ideas and then upskill you with hands-on sessions to help support your knowledge. For parishes already on the journey to care for creation, we can support your next plans.
Our retreats largely take placed in our woodland area, where we can feel inspired by God’s gift of creation. We have retreats to fit in with the liturgical calendar, feast days, sacramental programmes as well as environmental saint retreats. Meditating on scripture and using nature to help us to pray, our Laudato Si’ Centre is an excellent place for an away day.
Feel inspired by Pope Francis’ words of the Laudato Si’ encyclical and the Laudate Deum exhortation, linked to our liturgical sessions. At certain times of the year we offer Stations of the Cross and Rosary sessions always with an ecological twist! Take time to reflect and pray whilst embracing all that God’s creation has to offer.
In our woodland, we have a special tree planted by an interfaith group who travelled to Rome to meet with Pope Francis. To honour this trip, we host inter-faith sessions during the year where we get together and share our knowledge and expertise and how our faith inspires us to care for our common home.
We can also plan bespoke days to meet the needs of your parish or faith group. If you have something specific in mind, please get in touch and we will be happy to plan a session unique to your group.
We are pleased to offer a range of resources to support practical projects and prayer opportunities in your parish. From our Ecological Rosary to our Gardening for Wildlife pack, we have plenty of resources on hand to accompany you on your journey.
If you would like to arrange a school visit to our Centre, or for our team to deliver a session at your school, please email: laudatosi@dioceseofsalford.org.uk or click here to download our brochure!