Schools use Great Science Share to spread the word on caring for our common home
Schoolchildren across the area took part in a global science event today by learning more about climate change at our very own Laudato Si’ Centre.
Fourteen schools from across the Salford area gathered in the sunny grounds of the Laudato Si’ Centre today to take part in the 2022 Great Science Share.
The Great Science Share is an annual campaign that invites children between the ages of 5 and 14 to share their own science-based questions and investigations to celebrate science and raise its profile in schools and communities.
This year’s theme was climate action, so schools across the area came together at the Laudato Si’ Centre – an environmental hub run by the Diocese of Salford – to share their thoughts, findings, and clear passion for caring for our common home.
Nichola Potts, headteacher of Christ the King Primary School in Walkden and organiser of the day, was delighted to hold the event at the Laudato Si’ Centre and believes younger generations hold the key to rebuilding our planet in a more sustainable and caring way.
She said: “The Great Science Share is all about peer learning, so the children are teaching each other about science and this year, the theme is climate change, which is why we are here at the centre.
“We shouldn’t underestimate primary aged children and their search for truth and search for a better world.
“We can learn a lot from them: these are the children who will hopefully come up with the solutions to protect our world.”
After beginning the day with a procession carrying banners and placards calling for climate action, the schools gathered for a period of prayer before launching into a range of fun-filled activities and demonstrations that explored the importance of pollinators, the impact of plastic and oil filling our oceans, the effects of melting polar ice caps, and more.
Children from each school took it in turns to present their projects to each other and to share their views on caring for our common home.
Ella, a student from Christ the King Primary School, said: “Nobody seems to be listening to the message about caring for our common home, which is why we need to spread the word and share the message that Laudato Si’ has taught us about caring for our common home. If we can make people listen to the message of Laudato Si’, we can make a difference.”
Fellow classmate Makayla added: “We learned lots of things about recycling and using less electricity and about how so many other people don’t have electricity or the things we have. It’s about learning to be grateful for the things we have.”
Based at Wardley Hall, the Laudato Si’ Centre offers school and community groups the opportunity to learn more about caring for our planet and changing our lifestyles to become more sustainable.
From passing on practical tips on caring for the world around us, to exploring the science behind our environmental emergency, to reflecting on the faith-based foundations of the centre, the Laudato Si’ Centre seeks to inspire visitors to take action in their own lives and communities.
Nichola said: “The Laudato Si’ Centre fits in with so many things from a curriculum point of view and not just RE. For schools, it ticks a lot of boxes. It’s a regional treasure and we’re so lucky that it’s just down the road.”